Cloud Security

Turquoise 3D Snowflake icon on a black background, illustrating how to identify Snowflake ACCOUNTADMIN privileges using Prismafy.

How to Quickly Identify Users and Roles with ACCOUNTADMIN Privileges in Snowflake

By Deiby Gómez  Wondering how to quickly identify Snowflake ACCOUNTADMIN privileges and the users or roles that hold them? This article will show you how to easily identify them using Prismafy, a free tool that generates detailed reports in just a few minutes. Prismafy supports external authentication, usernames and passwords, and MFA, making it secure […]

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Databases, Security, Snowflake

Snowflake Data Warehouse and AWS Lambda

Serverless computing is here to stay, and while the term “serverless” is a bit of a misnomer, the concept offers many benefits. Most notably, serverless computing allows developers to focus on writing code and not concern themselves with provisioning, configuring, or maintaining servers. One such example of serverless computing is AWS Lambda. Although there are

Snowflake Data Warehouse and AWS Lambda Read More »

AWS, Cloud Computing, Data Integration, Serverless Architecture, Snowflake, Snowflake Computing
Abstract image of lasers criss-crossing above internal computer hardware.

Securing Network Access for Snowflake Data Warehouse and Amazon S3

As technology moves further into a service-oriented (read: Cloud) world, people and enterprises alike need to ensure that securing their assets is taken seriously. Security has always been one of the first of topics covered before purchasing a cloud service which is why good cloud vendors typically spend more time securing their products than any

Securing Network Access for Snowflake Data Warehouse and Amazon S3 Read More »

AWS, Code, Data Integration, Data Warehousing, Security, Snowflake
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