Elastic Delivery

Optimize and expand your Analytics Capacity.

Your data warehouse is dynamic.
Shouldn’t your team be as well?

Choose between two powerful options

A table with a window behind it and the words "crew"

Elastic Crew

Multi-functional, autonomous teams that drive insights within a single sprint, providing scalable solutions tailored to your data needs.

Multi-Functional Team: Each crew moves from question to insight within a single sprint.
Autonomous: Works independently to address your data challenges.
Scalable: Add crews to meet all your data needs.

A wave.

Elastic Surge

A flexible model to supplement and enhance your existing teams, allowing you to scale up, add new skills, and boost delivery capacity.

Supplement Your Team: Boost delivery capacity without full-time hires, as needed.
Semi-Permanent: Enhance existing teams for long-term success.
Respond to Demand: Scale up, swap roles, or add new skills as needed.

Why Choose Elastic Delivery?

Adapt to your evolving data needs.

Flexible Team Size

Adjust the number of consultants and specialists involved in projects according to your specific needs and project demands.

Expertise on Demand

Tailor the team composition to match the required expertise for different stages of the project.


Easily scale the team up or down based on the project’s phase and workload. This ensures optimal resource allocation and cost efficiency.

See Data differently

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