Our unique approach to increase the size and shape of your organization’s analytics capacity, combining Agile delivery with flexible team size and dynamic skillset. With customer interaction and collaboration at the center of everything we do, Elastic Delivery projects enable data-driven decision-making in weeks, not months.


When your data requirements aren’t being met.

What is Elastic Crew?

A complete Agile team with end-to-end responsibility for solving your short-term requirements while maintaining your long-term vision. You can engage an Elastic Crew to manage your entire data and analytics roadmap, or just a portion of it.

Who needs Elastic Crew?

Organizations struggling to meet all their data requirements with existing resources.


When your existing team is good, but you struggle to meet new challenges.

What is Elastic Surge?

Now you can change the size and shape of your analytics team with Elastic Surge. If you already have a team working to solve data problems, you may only need additional resources, varying skillsets or complimentary functional roles. Hire your core team, but let us extend it with Elastic Surge.

Who needs Elastic Surge?

Organizations invested in building and maintaining their own data and analytics team, but one capable of bursting with additional capacity and capability.