Kathryn Watson

ODI Save vs. Save All

If you’ve ever looked at the ODI Menu Bar or File menu, you’ve seen that there are two separate save options: Save and Save All. Big deal, right? Everyone knows the difference between Save and Save All. (If you don’t, Save will save only one object at a time, the active object you have open/are

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ODI, Tips

Having ODI 12c Studio Performance & Memory Issues?

ODI 12c Studio slow to respond? Receiving low or out of memory warnings? ODI 12c Studio crashing? With an out-of-the-box ODI 12c installation, the memory allocated to ODI Studio is generally too low to handle complex tasks — multiple modifications on a complex mapping, regenerating multiple scenarios, prolonged development sessions, etc. When completing such complex tasks over

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ODI, Tips

Derived Effective Dating

In my previous post, I discussed the transition from a Type 1 to a Type 2 Dimension structure after initial implementation. Today we’ll maintain our focus on Type 2 Dimensions and highlight derived effective dating and its timestamping implications. Why Effective Date? Within Type 2 Dimensions, it is essential that each record be effective dated

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Data Integration, Tips
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