Data Engineering

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Person walking through a labyrinth, symbolizing the complexity of solving the dbt row_count package bug

Behind the Error Message: Solving row_count package bug in dbt

By Tatum Brannan Photo by Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash Exploring dbt Test Features Struggling with the dbt row_count package bug? Follow our step-by-step guide to quickly resolve the issue and keep your data pipeline running smoothly. dbt provides a variety of intrinsic testing options. Among these, you’ll find fundamental tests like unique, not_null, accepted_values, and […]

Behind the Error Message: Solving row_count package bug in dbt Read More »

Data Engineering, dbt
The reflection of the sky in the image of a glass building

Master dbt Testing: How to Avoid False Negatives when Testing Between Project Layers

We have a small project with four layers:   1. Raw — incoming raw data2. Validation —Relationship and data validations. Transformations into facts and dims3. Reporting — joining facts and dims to meet presentation requirements4. Business Application — presentation layer. Views, with security where needed, of the reporting objects When we added relationship tests between project

Master dbt Testing: How to Avoid False Negatives when Testing Between Project Layers Read More »

Business Intelligence, Data Engineering, dbt
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