Red Pill Analytics at Kscope ‘14

Kscope is my favorite conference all year. ODTUG is such a fantastic organization with great people, great followers, and always great content. Seriously, if you haven’t become a member yet, you should.

The great thing about Kscope is that it’s more like going to a bootcamp training event than a conference. I find that many conferences are often littered with content that isn’t really that applicable to you in your day-to-day life, but Kscope transcends that. This is a developer’s conference, and it acts like one.

Because we love Kscope and ODTUG so much, Red Pill Analytics is all-in next week at the conference in Seattle. First and foremost, Stewart Bryson is the track lead for the Business Intelligence track and I participated on his selection committee. That means we both played a significant role in picking the best of the best session abstracts. We weren’t alone, though, as Stewart had assembled a great selection committee, and I think I can speak for the whole committee when I say that I hope you enjoy all of the sessions throughout the week.

To kick-off the week, Stewart will be running the Sunday Symposium for Business Intelligence. I won’t be there on Sunday this year (boo!), but Stewart will be joined by several Oracle Product Management members giving great talks on the present and future of Oracle BI. Jeremy Harms will also be joining Stewart to continue the tradition of kicking-off the symposium with an hour with this week’s presenters. You’ll hear short blurbs from each presenter on the content of their presentations and several presenters will sit down with Stewart and Jeremy for a more in-depth conversation.

On Monday and Tuesday, Stewart and I will be around at various places. You can join us for lunch on Monday at the ACE lunch where we’ll be each sitting at a Business Intelligence table. Have a seat with one of us and strike-up any conversation you want! You’ll also find us at Monday evening’s happy hour along with the BI event sponsored by Rolta starting at 8pm. It should be fun! On Tuesday, you’ll find us both on the Lunch and Learn panel for Business Intelligence with Kent Graziano and Mark Rittman, moderated by Chet Justice. Grab a lunch and come listen to a great — and unscripted session.

Wednesday is when the action picks-up for us, as we have multiple presentations on this day. I kick-off with a session at 9:45am called, “Adding More Visualizations to OBIEE”. I’ll cover both the conceptual and technical details around the why’s and the how’s of adding third-party visualization engines to your OBIEE reports and dashboards. Stewart rounds-off the afternoon with two sessions, the first starting at 2:00pm called “AgileAnalytics: Real-Time BI with Oracle Business Intelligence, Oracle Data Integrator, and Oracle GoldenGate”. Stewart’s a Jedi Master when it comes to the combination of how to get the most out of the combination of those three Oracle products, so if you want to hear how you can both deliver more quickly and deliver real-time data, head to this talk. If that’s not your thing, you can attend Jeremy Harms session at the same time (2:00pm) called “Sorry, McGinley: Even Advanced OBIEE Modeling and Front-End Features Show Big Ten Football < SEC Football!”. Yes, I’m the butt of a joke in the title of a conference session. The great thing about Jeremy’s session is that he’ll be giving you great tips on how to use OBIEE features in a real world scenario (OK, real world in Jeremy’s mind). Stewart then wraps-up the day with his “Oracle Business Intelligence Repository Development Bootcamp”, which is a great session for beginners to learn about developing in the OBIEE Repository and for more advanced developers to pick-up a few leading practices.

The coup de grace for the week occurs on Thursday, where I’m excited to perform our first live performance of “Real Time BI with Kevin & Stewart”. ODTUG was gracious enough to give us a shot with their new “Deep-Dive” session on Thursday, which replaces single speaker sessions with a two-hour session for each track (ignore ODTUG’s oversight on their website: we both work for Red Pill Analytics now!). In addition, ODTUG will also be broadcasting the show live online! Talk about pressure! We’re up for the challenge, and I’m happy to report we’ve got four great guests: Christian Berg and Jeremy Harms in the first hour, followed by Edward Roske and Glenn Schwartzberg in the second hour. Along with our normal “talk show” format, we’ll be injecting some short format content along with some comedy to spice-up the two hours. So please, stick around for Thursday’s Deep-Dive and attend our session — you won’t be disappointed! And if you aren’t attending Kscope, follow ODTUG on Twitter to receive the link to watch the live broadcast from 9-11am Pacfic Time.

Wow…what a week! It should be fun, so we hope to see you there.

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