Red Pill heads to Chicago in June for Kscope16

If you haven’t seen the buzz of excitement on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn you need to check out the selected speakers for ODTUG’s Kscope16. As usual the sessions and presenter list for June 26–30 is impressive. Red Pill Analytics is honored to be among these speakers and be included in the Kscope16 schedule.
Below we have listed all of the Red Pill Analytics sessions on the Kscope16 Schedule. You can also catch us here:
Monday, 8:00–10:00 PM: Community Night Event: BI Warrior Trivia
Tuesday, 12:15–1:45 PM: Lunch and Learn Big Data and Advanced Analytics Panel

Stewart Bryson Twitter Image

Does Your Data Have a Story? Find Out with Oracle Data Visualization Desktop

Mike Durran , Oracle Corporation
Co-presenter: Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics
Jun 27, 2016, Session 3a, 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm
Topic: BI & Data Warehousing – Subtopic: Business Intelligence

Oracle Data Visualization (DV) Desktop makes it easy to get insight from YOUR data. This stunningly visual and intuitive desktop application enables you to access, blend, and wrangle a variety of sources including spreadsheets, databases, and applications, and tell the story of your data. In this session, learn about the capabilities of DV Desktop to create compelling analytic narratives, including how YOU can rapidly apply advanced analytic techniques to gain insights previously only accessible to advanced users.

Performance Analytics: Visualizing the Power of the AWR Warehouse

Stewart Bryson
June 27, 2016, Session 4, 2:00 pm — 3:00 pm
Topic: Database — Subtopic: Other Database
Enterprise Manager 12c Release 4 includes the new AWR Warehouse feature, allowing the automatic extraction and consolidation of detailed performance data into a single location. The AWR Warehouse is sourced from Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) snapshots, enabling full historical analysis of AWR data from chosen EM12c database targets without impacting those source databases.
This session will explore the architecture and ETL process of this incredible new feature, but we won’t stop there! We’ll also demonstrate modeling the AWR Warehouse into Oracle Business Intelligence and analyzing key metrics using graphic dashboards designed to highlight performance bottlenecks across the enterprise.

OBIEE 12c and the Leap Forward in Lifecycle Management

Stewart Bryson
June 29, 2016, Session 13, 8:30 am — 9:30 am
Topic: BI & Data Warehousing — Subtopic: Business Intelligence
One reason that OBIEE projects regularly languish between design and delivery is the product’s historical lack of concrete lifecycle and deployment capabilities. Whether adopting manual lifecycle processes or scripting complex deployments, these solutions usually yield mixed results but always highlight one clear conclusion: We need change. With the newest release of OBIEE 12c, change has finally arrived. This session will detail the new BI Application Archive (BAR) file and its role in smoother migrations and increased developer productivity. We’ll take a peek under the covers at a new flexible, container-like architecture that makes the creation and application of these BAR files simple but also provides enhanced lifecycle capabilities throughout.

Getting Started With Oracle R and OBIEE

Kevin McGinley
June 27, 2016, Session 5, 3:15 pm — 4:15 pm
Topic: Big Data & Advanced Analytics — Subtopic: Advanced Analytics
OBIEE offers many types of calculation functions and front-end visualizations, but requirements can sometimes force you to look beyond what OBIEE delivers out-of-the-box. Fortunately, more and more analytics professionals are adopting R skills as the de-facto analytics programming language. R is not only capable of processing data through analytical programs, or models, but it is also capable of visualizing data in ways OBIEE and other BI tools typically can’t.
Fortunately, Oracle has adopted their own distribution of R and made strides to integrate it into more of their product stack, like OBIEE and the Oracle database. This session will go into the ways you can take advantage of R in your OBIEE environment and walk you through some use cases to get started. These use cases will look at how to add more sophisticated computations to your OBIEE environment as well expand your visualization potential using practical applications of Oracle R.

Visual Analyzer vs. Answers: The Cage Match

Kevin McGinley
June 28, 2016, Session 9, 11:15 am — 12:15 pm
Topic: BI & Data Warehousing — Subtopic: Business Intelligence
As part of the BI Cloud Service and OBIEE 12c, Oracle has developed a new front-end tool called Visual Analyzer, which attempts to provide a more interactive ad-hoc capability using a combination of OBIEE Subject Areas and mashable spreadsheet files as data sources. However, Visual Analyzer will be both an additional license add-on to OBIEE as well as its own standalone tool. The customer is left to wonder, “Do I need Visual Analyzer, which version do I need, and if I have both Visual Analyzer and OBIEE Answers, which one do I use for what purpose?”
Thankfully, this session comes to the rescue and provides clarity around those questions via a cage match competition between the two! In the session, you’ll observe several use case scenarios executed by both tools and the benefits and weaknesses of each tool will be highlighted. The session will also discuss the different options for obtaining Visual Analyzer and how you can decide which version, if any, is right for you. And for those who decide to incorporate Visual Analyzer into their tool stack, the session will provide guidance on how you can build a matrix to decide which tool is best suited to meet a given user requirement.

Fear Not the Mashup: A The OBIEE Mashup Feature is the Key to Increased User Adoption

Kathryn Watson
June 28, 2016, Session 12, 4:45 pm — 5:45 pm
Topic: BI & Data Warehousing — Subtopic: Business Intelligence
“Spreadsheets are evil.” This mantra is one held by most BI professionals. We devote our careers to building BI applications to get people out of them, but in the end, no matter the quicker the insights or the beauty of the dashboard, the spreadsheet lives on. The BI/spreadsheet war is one for which there seemed to be no end. Until now. With OBIEE’s Mashup feature, there can finally be peace–controlled integration of vetted OBIEE metadata with spreadsheet sourced end-user information. In this session, we’ll highlight the capabilities of this new feature and focus on it’s benefits to technical and business users alike. Attendees will leave with the keys to transform even their most spreadsheet obsessed users into OBIEE obsessed users, resulting in increased user adoption amongst even the greatest of skeptics.

Getting Started with a Data Discovery Lab: You Don’t Have to Go Big to Gain Big

Kathryn Watson
June 29, 2016, Session 15b, 11:30 am — 12:30 pm
Topic: Big Data & Advanced Analytics — Subtopic: Case Study/Business Solution
The rumors aren’t true–kicking off a data discovery lab within your organization doesn’t have to be time, personnel, and cost consuming. You don’t have to go big to gain big. By defining pointed use-cases, supplementing your existing Oracle technologies, and dedicating a small, strategic team to the effort, your data discovery initiative can be well underway within a few short weeks. In this session, we’ll walk through how one of the nation’s top cancer centers leveraged their existing Oracle and statistical platforms to get their data discovery lab up and running with streamlined personnel and budgetary resources. From use case definition, to defining the technology mix, to team roles and responsibilities, to business engagement, attendees will gain the knowledge they need to get data discovery up and running in their own organizations, no matter their personnel or budgetary constraints.

Visual Analyzer Mash-Ups and Blending

Michelle Kolbe
When: Jun 28, 2016, Session 10, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Topic: BI & Data Warehousing – Subtopic: Other BI & Data Warehousing

OBIEE 12c allows users to have full self-service capabilities without requiring IT to be able to integrate new data into the data model. This lab will give you the self-service BI experience of pulling data from a file on the desktop, adding it to existing data in the OBIEE repository, and creating analyses and a dashboard with the combined datasets. Come get your hands on the latest OBIEE feature that significantly changes the BI environment for those users who just can’t wait for IT.

Data First

Michelle Kolbe
June 30, 2016, Deep Dive Sessions, 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Topic: BI and Data Warehousing Thursday Deep Dive
The first step to any data reporting or analytics project is getting the data in place. This involves answering questions such as where does the data come from, how do you extract the data, what is the target system, how do you model the data for reporting, and how do you get the data into its reporting shape. Your architecture plan will have impact on performance, ETL, and ease of use of the data for analytics.
In this session, we’ll talk about the complexities of integrating and reporting on data from disparate data sources, including performance impacts and data model considerations. We’ll cover a wide range of data systems, including big data and Oracle 12c with In-Memory and how requirements such as real-time data or data quality should affect your planning and ETL/ELT designs. This session will be the best after-Kscope party medicine that you’ll need to be well-versed in the considerations for putting data first in analytics.

We are looking forward to this event and all of the other great opportunies to speak in 2016. Make sure to keep an eye on our events page for what Red Pill Analytics is up to this year.

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