If you’re looking to modernize your data, there’s no avoiding the lake analogies. So we figured we’d jump right into the Data Lake, Data Warehouse, and the brew of both: Data Lakehouse. Join us as we explain what they mean for the uninitiated.    What is a data lake? Simplified, it’s the storage where data [...]

December 15, 2020


by: Renee Miller


Categories: Red Pill Analytics, Red Pill News, Uncategorized

If there’s one thing we’re tired of this year, it’s canned marketing campaigns filled with false sentiment. We know what they really mean: “We’re in This Together”  Please continue to buy our stuff. "Now, more than ever.. " What we’re selling is still important. And the worst offender: “In these unprecedented times..” I will get [...]

September 28, 2020


by: Renee Miller


Categories: AWS, Databases, Redshift, Snowflake, Tips

Are you considering a cloud-native data warehouse? Our experts debate the differences between Snowflake, Redshift, and BigQuery. Prefer to listen? Watch the Stump The Experts webinar on our Youtube channel. We are new to cloud data warehousing. We are considering Snowflake, Redshift, and BigQuery. What are some things to consider? Neal Achord Red Pill Consultant [...]

March 26, 2020


by: Renee Miller


Categories: dbt, Events, Oracle, Red Pill Analytics' Tips, Red Pill News, Tips

COVID-19 has created an anxiety-ridden week. With the chaos of preparing to quarantine over (hopefully), what’s next? If you’re looking for a way to be productive at home, we have an answer - we’ve taken our canceled and postponed live events and converted them to online educational opportunities. With a worldwide pandemic at our heels, [...]
Event Storming is the creation of Alberto Brandolini, a lightweight but powerful workshop approach for software development and domain-driven design. Using sticky notes, experts like software developers and product designers work together at an accelerated pace to focus, rethink, reframe, and bounce ideas off each other. Event Storming is a methodology meant to: Be quick, [...]

October 30, 2019


by: Renee Miller


Categories: Data, Data Visualization, Looker

Looking at Looker, Part 2 By Renee Miller and Victoria Davis Why should we talk about Looker? With Looker JOIN19 a week away, we thought we’d dive deeper into the Looker platform (See Part 1 here). Earlier this year, Google Cloud announced a plan to buy Looker for $2.6 billion, making it even more of a [...]

October 7, 2019


by: Renee Miller


Categories: Events, Looker

Looker is at it again, bringing together the best data enthusiasts on the planet. Since we had such an absurdly enjoyable time at last year’s JOIN (read about it in our blog here), we were hyped for pre-conference celebration. Consider this our tailgating. Mike Jelen, representing Red Pill Analytics at Looker JOIN 18, takes home [...]