To San Fran We Go! 

Fall is here and that means a trip to San Francisco is on the calendar for Red Pill Analytics. Once again, we are thrilled to be joining an amazing group of presenters at Oracle’s largest conference of the year, Oracle OpenWorld/JavaOne.

Red Pill Analytics has six sessions, three at Oracle OpenWorld and three at JavaOne.

More than 25,000 attendees from across the world converge on Moscone for this event, will you be one of them? If you are, check out our sessions listed below and drop us aline. We’d love to connect.

Oracle OpenWorld — User Group Forum Sessions

Expanding Your Data-Driven Story: The Next Chapter

Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics & Mike Durran, Oracle
Sunday, Oct 1, 9:45 – 10:30 a.m. |Marriott Marquis (YBuena Level) – Salon 12

Oracle Data Visualization makes it easy to get insight from your data. This stunningly visual and intuitive product enables you to access, blend, and wrangle a variety of sources, including spreadsheets, databases, and applications, and tell the story of your data. In this session learn about the power of data storytelling and the latest capabilities of Oracle Data Visualization (including details of the product roadmap) to create compelling analytics narratives, including how you can rapidly apply advanced analytics techniques to gain insights previously only accessible to advanced users. Learn about how Oracle Data Visualization has been used in real-life scenarios to gain insight and improve business performance.

Up Your Analytics Ante With Oracle Advanced Analytics

Michelle Kolbe, Red Pill Analytics

Sunday, Oct 1, 10:45 – 11:30 a.m. | Moscone South — Room 155

Tomorrow’s analytics are the addition of today’s descriptive analytics with predictive and prescriptive insights. From uncovering patterns and sentiment in unstructured text, to examining demographic factors and historical trends to predict future behavior, to proactively prescribing actions to improve future outcomes, tomorrow’s analytics go above and beyond the reporting and examination of trends in KPIs and key metrics. This session will detail the advanced analytics concept and the supporting functionality delivered by the Oracle Advanced Analytics offering. Topics include: What is Advanced Analytics, Overview of Oracle Advanced Analytics, Use Cases and Demos, Get Started in Your Own Organization

Kafka, Data Streaming, and Analytics Microservices

Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics
Sunday, Oct 1, 1:45 – 2:30 p.m. | Moscone South – Room 157

Although traditional data warehouses excel at sourcing data from enterprise applications, they usually fail at handling the volume, velocity, and variety of data for modern analytics applications relying on big and fast data. Instead of modeling these data sources into a system that doesn’t fit, let’s apply a new software design pattern to analytics: microservices. In this session attendees use Apache Kafka and the Confluent Platform 3.0 as the data streaming hub for ingesting data bound for downstream analytics applications: an enterprise data warehouse, a Hadoop cluster for batch processing, and lightweight, purpose-built microservices in the cloud or on-premises. Experience the next generation of analytics platforms.

Strategic Leadership: Critical C-Level Conversations Panel

Arjen Visser, CEO, Dbvisit Software Limited
Stewart Bryson, Owner and Co-founder, Red Pill Analytics
Charles Kim, Oracle ACE Director, Viscosity North America
Kerry Osborne, DBA, Accenture Enkitec Group

Sunday, Oct 1, 3:45 – 4:30 p.m. | Moscone South — Room 151

The role of Oracle technology professionals continues to shift and change at an ever-increasing rate, and although those currently in these jobs should feel secure that they will have a role to play in their organizations for quite some time, there are new skills that employers expect more and more from these roles, and especially in new hires. In this session join a panel of industry experts as they discuss what the role of database and technology professionals will look like one, three, and five years from today; what critical skills they look for in new hires; and how current technology professionals can position themselves to be indispensable assets to their organizations.

RDBMS to Kafka: Stories from the Message Bus Stop

Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics & Bjoern Rost, The Pythian Group
Monday, Oct 2, 4:30 – 5:15 p.m. | Moscone West – Room 2002

Apache Kafka is a massively scalable message queue that is being used at more and more places to connect more and more data sources. This presentation introduces Kafka from the perspective of a mere mortal DBA and shares the experience of (and challenges with) getting events from the database to Kafka and back, using various solutions and connectors. Demos show how to get started with Kafka, set up the kafka-connect-jdbc producer, poor man’s change data capture with flashback query, and replication technologies to turn database logs into Kafka events.

Build Happiness: Using Gradle to Build Better Software

Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics
Wednesday, Oct 4, 1:45 – 2:30 p.m. | Moscone West — Room 2004

​Gradle is the build tool of choice for modern software development, from numerous Apache open source projects to everything generated with Android Studio. It’s an end-to-end automation and delivery framework that can build projects in Java, Groovy, C++, Python, JavaScript…whatever your language of choice. It’s adaptable for monolithic projects or microservices and can deploy to any platform, whether on-premises or in the cloud. This session explores what makes Gradle so versatile. You’ll see a live demonstration of building Java, Groovy, and Python artifacts and see automated publishing to Maven repositories and serverless cloud platforms such as AWS Lambda.

Practical Advice from a Developer Using a Cloud-Based DevOps Environment

Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics
Wednesday, Oct 4, 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. | Moscone West – Room 2002

This session examines a day in the life of a developer using a cloud-based DevOps environment providing issue tracking, code versioning, team collaboration, Agile project management, and continuous integration and delivery. It begins with Agile development tools for streamlining project management. You’ll experience the full code lifecycle: how it’s versioned, merged, and managed and, ultimately, how artifacts are built and deployed. The presentation examines how the cloud DevOps environment integrates with standard development frameworks such as Git, Gradle, and popular development IDEs. Experience live demos using Oracle Developer Cloud Service, which provides everything needed for polyglot development.

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