Crystal & Lauren Take The Red Pill

Red Pill Analytics announces that Crystal Walton and Lauren Prezby are joining the company as its new Operations Director and Creative Director, respectively.

Crystal and Lauren are well-known in the Oracle community for their instrumental roles in cultivating the growth of the Oracle Development Tool User Group Community (ODTUG) over the last seven years. In fact, their first names alone garner immediate recognition at all community events, and those names are synonymous with exceptional quality, capability, and thoroughness.

They join Red Pill Analytics during a time of significant growth. The upward trajectory of the company has exceed both Stewart’s and my expectations and we need strong individuals to push the curve higher. Crystal will focus on running the business with Stewart and me as our new Operations Director. Her leadership role in both YCC and ODTUG required the management of multiple aspects across both organizations, and her logistical savvy is well-known. Stewart and I required a highly intelligent and driven individual in this role to simultaneously fill our shoes and make the company her own, taking it to places we haven’t yet ventured. There was no debate that she was the only choice for this role.

Lauren will focus on cultivating the Red Pill Analytics brand, both internally and externally, as our new Creative Director. Her role at both YCC and ODTUG required her to create both visual and social aspects of an identity that uniquely represented the fun and communal spirit of both organizations. Stewart and I knew we’d need an artistically talented person to enhance the Red Pill Analytics brand in the marketplace, but we’d also need someone who appreciated the cool culture we had created internally for our employees to continue making Red Pill Analytics a popular place to work. Again there was no debate: Lauren was the clear first choice.

Red Pill Analytics is extremely fortunate to find two people who individually are the perfect choices for their new roles, while together are a dynamic duo known for their teamwork and significant joint accomplishments. They will form the core of our new office in Wilmington, NC — our third physical office in just over a year of existence. With a nod to one of our influencial films and the cool vibe in Wilmington, we playfully refer to this new office as “Zion.”

The four of us are excited for the new ideas and opportunities we have already set into motion and can’t wait to share them with you. Follow Red Pill Analytics on Twitter @RedPillA or sign-up for our mailing list here to be the first notified of these unique developments. You can also read about all of these developments on

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