Red Pill Analytics in Utah

The snow is melting and Spring is almost here… which sounds like the perfect time to make a trip to Utah. Stewart Bryson, Oracle ACE Director and Red Pill Analytics Founder, is headed there at the end of March for UTOUG Training Days. This annual conference is held by the Utah Oracle User Group on March 29–30, in Salt Lake City, and covers a variety of topics, from Database to Business Intelligence.
Stewart is excited about his first time attending and speaking at UTOUG:

“The larger, annual conferences are great… but I still love speaking at the regional Oracle conferences as well. We tend to see a lot of first-time conference goers at the smaller events… not just first-timers for a particular event, but first-timers for any conference. That gives the presenters a real opportunity to positively add to the Oracle community by fostering new members… hopefully life-long members.”

Below are the Red Pill Analytics sessions for UTOUG. Here is the link in case you want to register and attend.

Regression Testing with Ease: The Baseline Validation Tool
Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics
Tuesday, 03/29/2016 9:45 am — 10:45 am
Continuous integration and delivery practices, popular across all kinds of delivery projects, emphasize automated regression testing as a core tenant of the process. Products from third-party vendors were usually required to enable automated regression testing with Oracle Business Intelligence (OBIEE), and because of this, most organizations simply ignore the need. This increased the demand on quality assurance teams and their manual processes, while simultaneously reducing the quality of the content released for BI and analytic applications. But this is all a thing of the past: introducing the Baseline Validation Tool (BVT), a free OBIEE add-on for migration testing and regression testing OBIEE 11g and 12c environments.
In this session, we’ll see a detailed examination of BVT and its application to several facets of the OBIEE lifecycle. We’ll use it to validate an upgrade from OBIEE 11g to OBIEE 12c, ensuring our analytics content is generally unchanged in the new version. We’ll then use BVT in a Continuous Integration context, automatically testing OBIEE migrations between environments.

Performance Analytics: Visualizing the Power of the AWR Warehouse
Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics
Tuesday, March 29, 1:30 pm — 2:30 pm
Enterprise Manager 12c Release 4 includes the new AWR Warehouse feature, allowing the automatic extraction and consolidation of detailed performance data into a single location. The AWR Warehouse is sourced from Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) snapshots, enabling full historical analysis of AWR data from chosen EM12c database targets without impacting those source databases.
This session will explore the architecture and ETL process of this incredible new feature, but we won’t stop there! We’ll also demonstrate modeling the AWR Warehouse into Oracle Business Intelligence and analyzing key metrics using graphical dashboards designed to highlight performance bottlenecks across the enterprise.

What’s New in OBIEE 12c and BICS
Michelle Kolbe, Red Pill Analytics
Tuesday, March 29, 3:00 pm — 4:00 pm
Oracle Business Intelligence 12c brings the promise of new front-end capabilities and back-end architecture changes to take Business Intelligence into the next generation. With more demand for end-user self-service features, the Oracle Business Intelligence stack is growing and expanding in ways that allows it to cater to users with more sophisticated demands, like the ability to mash-up external data with curated data and the ability to explore data without building “reports.” With these front-end changes come back-end enhancements to support external subject areas and a more sophisticated application layer. This session will explore these new features and examine the value proposition for Oracle BI 10g and 11g customers to upgrade.

BI Panel
Wednesday, March 30th from 10:15 am — 11:15 am
Moderated by: Brent Moody, LDS Church
Panelists: Jeff Carver, LDS Church
Justin Ball, Nature’s Sunshine
Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics

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