Double down on Red Pill Analytics at Collaborate 2018

Red Pill Analytics is looking forward to placing some bets in Las Vegas for Collaborate18 on April 22–26, 2018. We are honored to be joining the amazing lineup of presentations and panels filled with the latest tips and information about various Oracle topics.

Along with presenting Red Pill Analytics likes to take an active role in the community. Our very own Michelle Kolbe is the Executive Vice President of IOUG, one of the three user groups who organize the event. Her volunteer hours and leadership help make the event the huge success it is. Stewart Bryson, founder of Red Pill Analytics, was part of the Conference Committee. As Track Coordinator for the IOUG Big Data & Analytics track, Stewart guided the direction and session selection of this innovative track. We hope you enjoy the outcome of their hard work at Collaborate!

Make sure to add these great sessions from Red Pill Analytics to your Collaborate18 schedule.

Make sure to add these great sessions from Red Pill Analytics to your Collaborate18 schedule.

What We Learned Building Analytics for Google


Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics
Monday, April 23, 2018
9:45 AM–10:45 AM
Banyan B

How should we approach analytics when the serverless cloud is the only option? Cloud-native data platforms enable developers to build applications quickly. In this presentation, learn how Red Pill Analytics stitched together data from across the internet to tell a social media story for our client Google using the Google Cloud Platform. Hear how we used BigQuery, App Engine, PubSub, Cloud Functions and Data Studio to build a complete marketing analytics platform measuring user engagement from sources including Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Analytics, Google+ and AdWords. What challenges did we face? What decisions did we make? And how did the Google Cloud Platform enable us to deliver all of this in less than 3 months? We can only show you the door…… you have to choose to walk through it.


Leveraging Advanced SQL for Analytics


Michelle Kolbe, Red Pill Analytics
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
11:00 AM–12:00 PM
Banyan A

Most analysts, data scientists, and aspiring data scientists know basic SQL for pulling data from databases that they then put into Python, R, and other tools. What if you could save a step and run the analytics right in the database? With the Oracle Database you can do most of the same functions that you could do with a data miner, R, statistics, etc. all with SQL. In this session, we’ll walk through advanced SQL functions such as statistics functions, analytic & windowing SQL, pattern matching, and prediction.


BI-dentity Crisis: Common Business Challenges to Getting Data Right


Phil Goerdt, Red Pill Analytics
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
4:15 PM–5:15 PM
Jasmine G

How come so many data initiatives fail? While there are many answers to this question, several themes run through them: data is hard to get to, it’s hard to understand, or it’s hard to know what is important. This talk challenges conventional thinking on data, business intelligence and analytics initiatives and asks “What can we do differently?” to gain better insight, and enable successful teams.

Vendor Awareness Session: Delivering Analytics with the Complete User Experience


Gautham Sampath, Innive
Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics
Wendesday, April 25, 2018
8:30 AM–9:30 PM

Analytics and business intelligence tools continue to deliver new and exciting capabilities, but alone, they often fall short of providing a complete user experience. How do we deliver analytics of the user, by the user and for the user?

Let Innive Inc. and Red Pill Analytics show you the way. The Innive UX/UI framework is a comprehensive visualization platform providing an enriched, role-based experience. Using a combination of flat, contemporary design and flow-based navigation, it delivers an analytics experience instead of a series of generic dashboards. Relevant for any device, the UX/UI framework is templated to present the perfect level of detail for any audience group: executives, operational managers or analysts. With rich search and launch capabilities, the framework is a thin, non-intrusive layer that can be deployed with or without Oracle Analytics. With customer examples and live demonstrations, join us and discover the Complete User Experience.

RDBMS to Apache Kafka: Stories from the Message Bus Stop


Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics
Bjoern Rost, Pythian
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
11:00 AM–12:00 PM
Banyan B

Apache Kafka is a massively scalable message queue used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications that are high-performing and fault tolerant. This presentation will introduce Kafka from the perspective of a mere mortal Oracle DBA and share the experience of (and challenges with) getting events from relational databases to Kafka.

We’ll demonstrate some commercial products, including Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data and The Dbvisit Replicate Connector. We’ll also demonstrate using the built-in JDBC Kafka Connector, and how it can be customized to use Oracle Flashback Versions Query to deliver streaming events to Kafka.

Who are these people? Analyzing COLLABORATE Attendee Data


Michelle Kolbe, Red Pill Analytics
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
12:15 PM–12:45 PM
Banyan B

Join me for a case study where I explain how I used Oracle Advanced Analytics tools to answer questions for the user group boards about the attendees of Collaborate and their experiences. I’ll show the process of first collecting the data and cleaning it to make it usable. Then I’ll show the data mining and machine learning algorithms I used within SQL Developer Data Miner. Lastly, I’ll show R functions that I used for further analysis. In the end, these insights were used to improve your experience at Collaborate!

One Platform to Rule Them All?


Stewart Bryson, Red Pill Analytics
Phil Goerdt, Red Pill Analytics
Thursday, April 26, 2018
9:45 AM–10:45 AM
Banyan A

Determining the toolset for any project can be difficult. When it comes to Big Data however, the number of choices for tools are seemingly endless, and the breadth of combinations of different technologies is mind blowing. With data coming from, being stored, processed and consumed in so many places, is it possible to consolidate a big data solution onto one platform? This talk sets out to answer that question by discussing an AWS only big data solution, with our industry insights and recommedations on implementations as well.

We hope to see you in Las Vegas. Register for Collaborate and join us April 22–26 in Las Vegas, NV.

You can also keep track of what Red Pill is up to by keeping an eye on our event page. May is filling up quickly! Make sure to register for our free full-day workshop, The Jump Program, in Chicago (May 3) and Denver (May 24.) Don’t miss our half-day events in Atlanta (May 1) and Salt Lake City (May 22) for Analytics Built for the Cloud events.

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