Welcome to our SQL category. This section is dedicated to providing in-depth resources, expert tutorials, and advanced best practices for using SQL (Structured Query Language). Whether you’re a data analyst, database administrator, or developer, our content covers a wide range of technical topics including advanced SQL queries, database normalization, indexing strategies, performance optimization, and SQL integration with various data analytics tools. Learn how to write efficient and complex SQL queries, optimize database performance, implement effective indexing, and leverage SQL for data management and analysis. Stay updated with the latest SQL advancements, tools, and techniques through our comprehensive guides and practical insights.

Joining It All Up

When I start a new ETL project I often find it useful to have some idea how the source tables relate to each other. If I’m lucky there is documentation to guide me or even a diagram showing me how the tables link up (I do dream a lot). Of course, I could pull the

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Oracle 12c, SQL, Tips

Date Spread

Recently I had a couple of interesting situations pop up in OBIEE 11g regarding dates. No not the edible kind, but the calendar kind. Specifically where it involves fact measures that are valid for a period of time beyond what the date id(s) on the rows in the table allow. The first scenario I will

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Analytics, OBIEE, Oracle, Repositories, SQL

Is Oracle BICS For You?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In this series I have been exploring various cloud Buisness Intelligence product offerings from companies like Domo and Tableau. Now it is time to review Oracle’s newish offering Business Intelligence Cloud Service (BICS). First of all, if you are going to combine data sources for your analysis, versus having, say, a single spreadsheet to load, the

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BICS, Cloud, Oracle, SQL

Making Stuff Up

My whole data career has been about finding the truth within data, seeking correlations within and between data sources (and not always relational sources at that). You get to notice patterns in the world and even develop skills to spot outliers on a rapidly scrolling screen. In those early days I used tools like i2

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General, SQL, Tips
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