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The Good, The Bad, and the Gorgeous

Some tips, tricks and thoughts on using Google Data Studio Red Pill Analytics recently delivered a solution that exclusively used Google Cloud Platform. Our client, a marketing team at Google, wanted to know how they were engaging with users across several online channels. We used Google Analytics, YouTube Analytics, AdWords, among other sources via BigQuery to

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Big Data, Cloud, Data, Data Visualization, Google Cloud Platform

Big Data Tundra: Creating a Flexible Cloud Based Data Ecosystem

Did you miss Phil Goerdt and Mike Fuller‘s presentation about Cloud computing and storing data at MinneAnalytics #BIgDataTech last week? Let us share their presentation with you! Download it here! Cloud computing has changed how organizations use, access and store their data. While these paradigms have shifted, the traditional way of thinking about databases and data warehouses remain steadfast in

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Big Data, Cloud, Events, Snowflake

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Cloud…

Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) is generally available (GA) today, and I’m excited to be included in this OAC blog hop welcome wagon. So I’m slumming it with a bunch of Essbase professionals, as you can see from the list of contributing authors below. It’s fascinating to see just how stoked the Essbase community is for

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Cloud… Read More »

Analytics, BICS, Business Intelligence, Cloud, OBIEE, Oracle BICS, Oracle DV

Is Oracle BICS For You?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In this series I have been exploring various cloud Buisness Intelligence product offerings from companies like Domo and Tableau. Now it is time to review Oracle’s newish offering Business Intelligence Cloud Service (BICS). First of all, if you are going to combine data sources for your analysis, versus having, say, a single spreadsheet to load, the

Is Oracle BICS For You? Read More »

BICS, Cloud, Oracle, SQL
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